En Route

person in brown sun hat and black backpack holding blue and white basket on beach during

“Forget yesterday.

Don’t worry about tomorrow.

Trust God today.”


Photo by Taryn Elliott on Pexels.com


Image result for airplane

A few days ago, a friend of mine encouraged me with these words…

She said, “When a pilot is flying and sees turbulence ahead, he approaches it head on. He does not go around it, over it, or under it; he goes right through it. The pilot can’t see beyond the limited view of his cockpit, so he must rely totally on the instrument panel for guidance. He goes right through the turbulence, difficult as it may be, and presses through until he reaches the beautiful clear sky on the other side.”

This life, as we know, can bring us to turbulent times that cannot be avoided. We’d rather go around them, but we must press through. As we rely on and put our complete trust in the LORD, even when it gets rocky, He will lead us through to the beautiful clear skies on the other side.

Rest and Relaxation

Image result for week end quotesThen Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.”

Mark 6:31




Have a nice weekend.♥

Just Desserts

Image result for snoopy and dessertJust remember, Desserts is Stressed spelled backwards,

So relax and have a great weekend,

You deserve it!


“God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him.”

Jim Elliot

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I–
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

The Commenter Award

Thank you, Juliana, simplyjuliana.wordpress.com, for nominating me for the Commenter Award. It’s been a pleasure to read and comment on your posts, and I’m happy to be among those who enjoy your blog. This is a new award for me, and  the guidelines are a little different this time which makes it fun! So, here we go:

Find your Top Recent Commenters on your site stats page on the bottom, right corner. If you do not see this, click on the Screen Options in the top, right corner and be sure that “Comments” is checked. If  you are good about responding to every comment, then you will be the first one in the list.

Pass this award on to the next six commenters on the list.

Nominate one more person who is either:

A brand new commenter on your blog,

The very last comment you have received (most recent), or

The one who has posted your most favourite comments.

The seventh nomination is your choice, so please let us know why you chose them.

And now, I’m happy to introduce my Top Six Commenters!

1.Francine @ francineinretirement,wordpress,com

2.Beatrix Mana @ babydogogos.wordpress.com

3.Terry @ terry1954.wordpress.com

4.Misty Maples Farm @ awinsomejourney.wordpress.com

5.Mike @ emmock.com

6.Florence @ harpoftenstrings.wordpress.com

And for number 7,  I’d like to nominate the very first blogger to ever “like” and comment on my blog. She’s always on the go, cycling  to new and exciting places, as she passes on her experiences through her pictures and her posts.  It was so exciting to see a little picture pop up on my screen for the very first time, and to read her comment when I first began blogging. It was so encouraging and I’ll always appreciate it!

7. Thanks Anita @ traveldestinationbucketlist.com

Finally, a Special Thank You to everyone who has ever “liked” or commented on this blog. Your encouragement and input are greatly appreciated!

Smiles and Blessings. -Faith :)

The Lighthouse

There’s a lighthouse on the hillside
That overlooks the sea
When I’m tossed it sends out a light
That I might clearly see
And the light that shines in darkness now
Will safely lead me o’er
If it wasn’t for the lighthouse
My ship would be no more
And I thank God for the lighthouse
I owe my life to Him
Jesus is the Lighthouse
And from the rocks of sin
He has shown a light around me
That I might clearly see
If it wasn’t for “The Lighthouse”
Tell me where would this ship be?

The Hinsons

His Eye Is On The Sparrow

I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free,
 His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.

“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;
Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Beautiful Blogger Award

Oh, Bother!!

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.

It’s such a beautiful day!! A very special thank you to Emi at fourleaves92.wordpress.com, for nominating me for the Beautiful Blogger Award! It’s truly a blessing, and I am deeply honored. The beauty of blogging is that I get the chance to interact, share, and communicate, with so many interesting people, and it’s all right here at my fingertips! It’s very rewarding for me, and I love it. The Beautiful Blogger Award is given for creativity, originality, and contribution to the blogging community. As guidelines suggest, I will list seven random things about myself, and I am happy to list seven blogs that I am nominating  for the Beautiful Blogger Award.

The Guidelines:


  • List seven random facts about yourself
  • Post a link to the blog of the person who nominated you
  • Link to seven other bloggers who are deserving of the award
  • Let those bloggers know that you’ve nominated them

Seven Random Facts About Me: (Very random)

I am an early bird.
I was born in the spring!
I have two sisters and a brother; and  two daughters and a son.
I could spend the entire day working in my gardens without a break, and even forget to eat!
I love being a wife and mom. :)
I enjoy watching nature, God’s creation; from the sky to everything beneath it.
I believe that beauty from within is the most important kind.

Here are Seven Beautiful Blogs:

Clover and Thyme;  cloverandthyme.com

Photography by Gisele Morgan; giselemorgan.wordpress.com

Francine in Retirement; francineinretirement.wordpress.com

Lee’s Birdwatching Adventures Plus; leesbird.com

Photobotos; photobotos.com

Home and the Range; homeandtherange.wordpress.com

Clayhearts; clayhearts.wordpress.com

A special thank you to those of you  who like, read, or follow my blog. Have a beautiful day!!

I’ve Still Got It!

One day last week, my daughter told me that right in the middle of class, her teacher, middle-aged, mother of two, did a cartwheel right in the middle of a lesson, and cartwheeled right back to her original position and said, with a great big smile on her face, ” I’ve still got it! and the whole class just roared with laughter! I thought to myself, “Wow! How great it must feel to be so free at heart, even in the midst of a busy workday, right in front of a  class full of fifth-graders, turning cartwheels!”

For me, this teacher’s exclamation of  “I’ve still got it!” implies so much more… It not only speaks of her impressive physical capabilities, but also of her ability to seize the day, enjoy the moment, and keep the “kid” inside alive!

Refreshing. :)

The Sunshine Award!

I am very happy, and honored to receive the blogger’s Sunshine Award !

My sincere and  heartfelt thanks goes out to NanaDoll,  http://momtoldmetowriteabook.wordpress.com, for nominating me for this beautiful award! I absolutely love blogging, and haven’t been at it for long, so this is all still very new for me.  It’s my first award with requirements attached, and I’ve been working on meeting them for a little while now, so here we go!

The Sunshine Award comes with a few rules:

  • Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog
  • Answer 10 questions about yourself
  • Nominate 10-12 other fabulous bloggers
  • Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated
  • Share the love and link the person who nominated you!

 About Me: 

 1. I am very happily married to my college sweetheart.

2. We have three miracle children, (that doctors said we’d never have!) :)

3. I’ve experienced many miracles of healing in my life.

4. I love the Lord.  He is my strength, my source of  joy and all things wonderful in this life.

5. I love lots of different kinds of music, and I play 3 instruments.

6. I enjoy writing, and I love blogging!

7. I enjoy cooking, homemaking, and gardening.

8. I enjoy English Literature. Jane Austen and Charles Dickens are my favorites!

9. I enjoy eating organic foods, and I’m “practically”  vegetarian. :)

10. I enjoy cycling, and other outdoor activities, with family and friends.

Here are a “baker’s” dozen of blogs that I am passing this award on to. They’re like” Sunshine!” Check them out, I’m sure you’ll agree!

1. http:/fourleaves92.wordpress.com

2. http:/artbycamila.wordpress.com

3. http:/washedfeet.wordpress.com

4. http:/365daysofpraising.wordpress.com

5. http:/savannahssong.wordpress.com

6.  http:/refusingtotiptoe.com

7. http:/birdmartin.wordpress.com

8. http:/traveldestinationbucketlist.com

9. http:/frommyfrontstep.wordpress.com

10. http:/todayiprayed.wordpress.com

11. http:/changedbyhim0510.wordpress.com


13. http:/tracielouisephotography.net

These are all wonderful blogs, and there are so many more that I would have liked to mention. Some have already received this award, but I still hate leaving anyone out, so this was a little difficult for me. I’d also like to send out a very special “thank you” to those who follow and comment on my blog. I’m humbled by your interest, and you too, are like “Sunshine” to me!

Smiles and Blessings.  – Faith