The Love of God


The love of God is greater far

Then tongue or pen can ever tell;

It goes beyond the highest star,

And reaches to the lowest Hell,

Could we with ink the ocean fill,

And were the skies of parchment made;

Were every stalk on earth a quill,

And every man a scribe by trade;

To write the love

Of God above

Would drain the oceans dry;

Nor could the scroll

Contain the whole,

Tho stretched from sky to sky.

Hymn-“The Love of God” by F.M. Lehman


Stayed upon JEHOVAH,

Hearts are fully blessed –

Finding, as He promised,

Perfect peace and rest.

“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You…”

– Isaiah 26:3




From the Hymn, “Like A River Glorious”

by F.R. Havergai and James Mountain

God of All My Days

In my worry, God
You are my stillness
In my searching,
God You are the answer
In my blindness, God
You are my vision
In my bondage, God
You are my freedom
In my weakness, God
You are my power
You’re the God of all my days.
Each step I take
You’ve made a way
And I will give you all my praise
My seasons change
You stay the same
You’re the God of all my days
 from “God of All My Days”, – Casting Crowns
Lyrics- John Mark Hall and Jason Ingram

Crazy Faith

There was a time when, my family, friends, and neighbors would have thought that “Crazy Faith” would be a perfect title for my autobiography! :)

I know that this is true, because once, when I was in the final months of my pregnancy, (you know, the pregnancy that I prayed 10 years for), I heard someone talking to a neighbor, saying; “We all thought that Faith was losing her mind!… While she was struggling with her health and praying for another baby, her mother and sister would call and say, “We’re really concerned about Faith..”  They thought that I was going crazy!!! I was never told this before, so when I heard it, I laughed, and said, “That’s OK… They thought that Noah was crazy too, but it sure did rain didn’t it? So, I’m in good company!”

It all began 15 years earlier, when I read Luke 8:48,  Daughter, your faith has made you whole…”, and from that moment on,  there was no turning back for me… I believed it.

Of course, I myself, don’t think it’s “crazy”, but lots of people might consider it crazy to believe for something that seems impossible. Reading those words as a young 24-year-old, and believing that God had spoken to my heart, “fueled” me to move forward in faith, convinced and certain, that God would bless me, despite my physical circumstances.

Is there something that you would like for God to do for you, but you think that it’s impossible, or not important enough, or too big, to ask for?..  Ephesians 3:20 says that God is “…able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,..”  The power at work in us includes our faith!  Many times when Jesus healed someone, he said, “according to your faith be it unto you”, or “your faith has made you whole.”

Even if it makes you look “crazy” to those around you, or, if it’s just a secret request that you haven’t mentioned to anyone else, ask God what you will, and believe with “crazy” or unexplainable faith that, “with God… nothing is impossible.”

Smiles and Blessings,

Faith ♥

Think On These Things🤔

“… Whatever is true,

whatever is honorable,

whatever is just,

whatever is pure,

whatever is lovely,

whatever is commendable,

— if there is any virtue and if there is anything worthy of praise,

— think on these things.”

Philippians 4:8



Last First Day🍎

Back- to -School

Today marks a milestone for me.

It’s back to school again and, at our house,  it’s also THE LAST “first day of school”,  as our youngest daughter is now officially a senior in high school. Sure, I’ve been down this road a couple of times before, with two other children who have graduated, and gone off to college, but this one brings a whole season to a close for me and I just wanted to say out loud that “Being a mom is such a great blessing!”

I was blessed to have three miracle babies, when several doctors said that being a mother would never happen for me. So thankful that the LORD has the last word, and the final say, about “impossible” situations such as these.

Every season is a blessing, and as I look back with a smile and forward with joy, I’m grateful for everything that’s brought me to this day.😊

Thanks for listening!❤️

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow.”  -James 1:17 TLV


Thanks for Everything

” LORD, I thank You for everything in my life;

the good, the bad, the easy, the hard, the joys, and the pain,

I thank You for all of it.”

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

First Thessalonians 5:18