“I Am In Awe”

“I am now, and will forever and eternally be, in awe of God, “Blessed be His Name”, who has been so personally close and near to me, while at the same time being the GREAT GOD of all creation; greater than anyone, anything, anytime, anywhere… in and outside of time, forever and ever… Only God is Awesome”


“Who is like the LORD?….. NOBODY!

Who is like the LORD?…..No- no-no-no-no- NOBODY!

If God is for us?

Who can be against us?

He will keep His promise.

There’s nobody like Him, NOBODY LIKE HIM!

What can separate us from the love of Jesus?

He will keep His promise!

There’s nobody like Him, NOBODY LIKE HIM!

There is none in heaven or earth like You. There is none in heaven or earth like You!

Lord we declare, who can compare?

Who would even dare?


Who is like the LORD?

No-no-no-no-no NOBODY!”

Praise and Worship Song, “Who is Like The Lord” -by Israel Houghton

“And I say “Hallelujah!!! and Amen!!!” to that.

Trouble In The World

“Shalom to you and all who are in Messiah.” -1 Peter 5:14

“Yeshua answered…”

“These things have I spoken to you,

so that in Me you may have shalom.

In the world you will have trouble,

but take heart!

I have overcome the world!”

-John 16:33 TLV