“Write and Share”

Write and Share” is a spot for readers to share their stories, experiences, and testimonies. Feel free to leave a comment here, to share what God has done for you.

Writing about your victories, successes, journeys, and miracles, is a  great avenue for encouraging and strengthening others.

I appreciate your taking the time to visit here, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Smiles and Blessings,

-Faith ♥

24 thoughts on ““Write and Share”

  1. God has done a miraculous healing in my life. I am 6 years in recovery from PTSD, major depression, and addiction. Nothing is impossible with Jesus. I never thought I’d heal from my childhood wounds or have the amazing life I now have because of Him. No one is beyond His reach. He has a good plan for everyone…

  2. What an encouraging testimony! God is so good and His love for us is amazing! Thanks so much for sharing, I know that your story will bring hope and encouragement to many others.
    God Bless You. – Faith :)

  3. Hi, God has been wonderful to me, I suffered for many years as a Paraniod Schizophrenia and only seemed to be getting worse. i finally decided to ‘end it all’ as I felt I had no hope and the doctors didn’t offer much iether as the illness was uncureable. I visited a friend intending to say goodbye before I killed myself, (without telling him) but met a Christian who I used to mock for his faith, on the way. He noticed how fearful I looked and asked me what was wrong and in a desperate state of mind I began to pour my heart out to him. He invited me to his church saying what have you got to loose, and I agreed without expecting anything to get better. To cut a very long story short I was taken off all medications by my psychiatrist in 1997 and have kept well since. I have worked in the field of mental health now for about nine years and have just joined the bloggesphere (is that a word?) to attempt to reach out to Christians who have mental health problems.

    I hope this post encourages someone to believe that God heals ‘All our diseases’

    Thank you Lord Jesus,


  4. Such a powerful testimony! I am always in awe of how the Lord reaches down and rescues us when we’ve reached rock bottom. It was no coincidence that you met this man on the way, and such a blessing that you made the choice to go with him to church. Thank you for sharing your story. I praise God for the victory that He’s given you, and for all of those who will find deliverance and encouragement because of what you’ve shared.
    God Bless You!! – Faith :)

  5. My name is Silvia Lia Leigh. I was born in Romania. While in medical school in Romania I met my husband Richmond, a Nigerian. After graduation, we moved to Nigeria to start a practice in 1980. We became successful as medical practitioners. We had money, fame, and everything man could desire. What else could one possibly want? Nothing! Or so I thought.
    In 1986 I had a crisis conversion and I met Jesus Christ. I had never seen a Bible before then. In January of the same year, I became very depressed. I saw nothing good in my achievements. I lost my desire to live. In the midst of my despair, for the very first time in my life, I prayed:
    “Dear God, if You exist, then come down from heaven and change my heart. I am tired to doubting You. I can’t wait forever for the answer to this prayer. I give You one month’s notice to come down from heaven and change my heart. If you come, I promise to be your friend forever. In Jesus name I pray, amen!”
    I did not know the meaning of the name of Jesus but I heard people pray like that so I guessed it was the appropriate end to a prayer. Immediately I knew that something ‘good’ had happened to me. Not certain of what, but the sense of destiny came down and enveloped my soul. I felt life entering my veins.
    In exactly 28 days the Holy Spirit came down on me and filled my soul. I became a child of God, never to be the same again.

  6. What a beautiful testimony! I am thrilled and so happy that you have shared your story here, and I know that many will be encouraged and uplifted by it.
    Thank you, Silvia, and may God bless you and your family!

  7. Waiting On The Great Way Maker

    To all of you Wonderfully Made Women out there no matter the age, no matter the shattered longings and dreams, I want to encourage you! This is also for anyone that has shattered dreams and desires due to bad reports, long waiting times and the reality of natural circumstances. This post focusses on women whose dreams of having a baby have been shattered, delayed and otherwise forgotten as not. However to all, no matter the dream, the desire, the vision…..the waiting….let this encourage you that God is still on the throne and His timing is perfect. He didn’t overlook the longings of your heart nor was He sleeping as you soaked your pillow with tears from the brokeness of your heart night after night and year after years.

    When I was a little girl from the age of seven on, all I ever wanted was to grow up, get married and have babies. That was my dream and the desire of my heart! I met my husband my freshman year in highschool and we fell fast in love and somehow we knew that we were meant to be and would be together forever!! This only increased my desire for BABIES!! While all of my friends were planning their future for college and careers, I wanted nothing to do with it because I had the dream of getting married and having babies!

    By the time I graduated at age 17, I just wanted to hurry up and get through graduation in May and my 18th birthday in June so that I could put all of my focus on planning our wedding. After I turned 18 we set the wedding for October 3rd. My dream come true was right around the corner and we were both ecstatic!!

    I cannot tell you because there just are not enough words about how completely devastating and heart wrenching the following 10 years were……. NO BABIES!!! As five years of waiting came to pass, so did the dream. In spite of all of our praying and crying out to the Lord and all the tear soaked pillows, the shattered dream and our shattered hearts, we finally accepted that our dream of babies wasn’t meant to be and we moved on with our lives.

    But don’t you know that God ALWAYS has the last word over everything in the universe! On year number ten, out of the clear blue sky, as I was just going along and living my no baby life, God gave me a vision – it was my first vision ever – and in that vision I was standing in an older Victorian home in Victorian village and I was holding my baby. I say I was holding my baby because this home was in an area of town that I would not drive through much less live in. The street out front was narrow with cars lining both sides. The homes were very close together and the area was very run down. As I looked down at this baby in my arms, I didn’t look at it as though it was just anyone’s baby, but I looked at it as though it was mine and I felt so much love for this baby….a love I had never felt or known before! I just knew that God was telling me that I would indeed have a baby. What I didn’t know or draw from the vision is how God was going to bless me with this wonderful baby. I felt confident that after 10 years of trying to no avail then our baby would come by way of adoption or foster care or maybe even mothering someone elses baby that needed a helping hand. Either way, and any possible way, I was more than happy and thrilled to just have a baby even if it was temporary.

    Now, my husband and I didn’t try all the medical interventions such as fertility treatments, invetro, surrogate options, or surgeries, we didn’t even seek testing or advice about why we weren’t able to make a baby. We felt that if God wanted us to make babies then a house full of babies we would have. So, with the vision that God gave me, I believed that He would indeed send us a baby and I was absolutely thrilled!! My wildest imaginations could not prepare me for what came two years later!

    Are you ready for this?? Two years and 2 weeks after the vision and 12 years after My husband and I were married, I gave birth to a very healthy and perfect 9 pound baby GIRL!!!! Yes, that’s right, a MIRACLE baby….. delivered in God’s perfect timing!!!! And that’s only half of it. 3 years and 12 days later, I gave birth to a very healthy seven and a half pound baby boy!! Our second miracle baby…..delivered in God’s perfect timing!!!

    Here is the thing. In those early years of yearning for our babies before we gave up on the dream all together, we settled in our hearts that if God would give us two babies instead of a bunch of babies we would be happy. We asked for a healthy baby girl and a healthy baby boy. Although our desire was to make our babies together, we came to the place that we were willing to take whatever God would send.

    But God in His all-knowing, all-seeing and all loving perfect timing, gave us our hearts desires in no less than a MIRACULOUS way!! HE is the GREAT WAY MAKER!! He makes the Way when there is no human possibility of a way!!

    I don’t know what you are waiting on, how long you have waited on it or how impossible the circumstances are. I don’t know what your medical report says or doesn’t say. I don’t know the brokeness of your heart or how many millions of tears you have shed in the waiting or in the giving up. What I do know is, God is bigger than your deepest sorrows, your broken heart, your missed and dead dreams. He is even bigger than your giving up. He makes a way where there is no way. He resurrects dead dreams, dead wombs and dead hope. He takes your nothing and makes it into something spectacular! If it doesn’t happen in the normal scheme of things, He makes it happen through miracles. But in so doing it is always in His perfect timing – not ours. God knows everything about you and He knows the exact hour and second that is the best for you. God does give us the desires of our hearts in His perfect and all-knowing timing and love.

    I do understand why my babies took so long coming to me and that is for another post. I pray with all my heart that you are encouraged and comforted by this post and that all of your dreams and desires come to you in God’s perfect timing and that you have no sorrow or heartaches while you wait. Be so very blessed and loved as you wait on The Way Maker to make your way straight and resurrects your life, dreams and hope!

    Bless you all,



  8. Oh my goodness Linda!!! First of all it’s wonderful to meet you, and next, I am absolutely certain that the LORD has sent you my way!!! Your story is so much like my own in so many ways, and I know that what you’ve shared here, was not by coincidence. Thank you for taking the time to post your story here at “Write and Share”. You’ve blessed my heart today, with the reminder that GOD IS “THE GREAT WAY MAKER!” Amen, Amen, and Amen.
    So many of us need to be reminded of this, and you’ve done it so beautifully. I’m sure that many readers will be blessed, encouraged, and inspired.
    Again, Thanks Linda, and May God Bless you and your lovely family!
    -Faith :)

  9. Faith, I am so very humbled and blessed!! Thank you!! I am honored to meet you as well. I believe you are absolutely right, this is not a chance happening. In God’s economy, everything happens for a reason and there are never any coincidences.

    And yes, every one of us needs to be reminded of The Great Way Makers Ways!! Mainly that He is the only way and the perfect way regardless of what we think, because at the end of the day, what we think is none of our business!! Wow, I think that was a prophetic word that just popped right out!!

    God is definitely in this and I pray for all readers to be healed and resurected from the top of their heads to the souls of their feet for any need, dream, desire or circumstance in Jesus Name!! AMEN

    Rich Blessings to you and yours!!


  10. Dear Faith,
    What a joy to stop by your God honoring blog!. I too am blessed to share my testimony .I had a miscarriage soon after marriage and after which we (my husband and I) were waiting prayerfully for another child. When we began feeling a little low before others., we prayed more . Our God is a prayer answering God and a God who sees our heart and understands our feelings. Now God has blessed us with a baby boy who is gonna be two soon. We are ever grateful to our Lord ,not only for blessing us with a child, but he has brought us more closer to him during such times.Now I write for his kingdom, and wanna contribute something for the same within my limits as a stay at home mom. Praise God for he has called me to teach and lead our church kids too!

  11. Beautiful testimony!!! Thanks so much for sharing your story. It is encouraging in so many ways!
    Smiles and Blessings to you and your family. :)

  12. 3 years ago, I attempted to divorce my husband because I didn’t trust nor wait to hear from God on how to deal with his infidelity. I never wanted to file but I felt that the only option I had. After a nervous breakdown, depression, no money, loosing my house to foreclosure, and taking care of 2 small children, I finally stopped to hear God’s voice.

    “Pray for your marriage”, is what God said. I responded with a confident “NO!” By then, my heart was hardening and just tired. I told God that if this divorce is going to stop, then He (God) would have to stop it. Well, I finally submitted to God’s command but it was too late to stop the divorce. Within 3 yrs, God has stopped this divorce 3 times. I actually a signed decree from the judge that is null and void!!

    Two days ago, I received a letter from the courts that stated that my husband’s attorney quit and will no longer represent him due to lack of payment. It’s not over until God says it’s over. God has shown me through many dreams his desire to restore… It’s coming…

  13. Wow!!! Praise the LORD! You placed your marriage in God’s hands when you said that “He would have to be the one to stop the divorce” and what a testimony. I’m happy and excited for you. You have kept the faith, and like you, I whole-heartedly believe that “IT”S NOT OVER TILL GOD SAYS IT”S OVER!” Thanks, Veronica, for sharing your story. I know that it will be an encouragement to many others, and it’s very nice to hear from you! God bless you and your family.
    Smiles and Blessings,
    Faith :)

  14. Thanks for the like on my blog:Magnify! I would like to share my testimony of how God brought me to faith in Jesus with you and your readers:

    As a child I had thoughts about God that came from attending church sporadically with my parents, from a church-based pre-school, and most strongly from a grade school teacher who taught me about infinity numbers. Most of all, I remember growing up trying not to think about God. I wanted to live my life my way and did not want any god messing with it. I reasoned, “If there was a god, why couldn’t he keep my parents from getting a divorce?” Even with these innermost thoughts, I was confirmed and baptized in a liturgical church at age 14 while living with my father. At age 15 I attended a charismatic church with my mother where I repeated “the sinners prayer” after a well meaning gentleman in order to please him—not God. Next, I even read all four of the Gospels about Jesus with fascinated interest. However, I was still lost and in spiritual darkness. I walked away from it all, saying, “Well, I have tried religion. Now let’s get on with life!” I tried to push the little truth about God I understood right out of my heart, concluding that God did not exist. I embraced evolution—it must be true! The problem was that I was miserable, angry, sin oppressed, conceited and very empty. My favorite song was by the group Kansas, “All we are is dust in the wind . . .” At the same time I was trying to convince myself that all was well, saying, “I’m good!”

    In high school my love for excelling in sports and seeking adventure were the dominant passions of my life. Long-distance running consumed my thoughts and activities with grueling twice-a-day workouts and the zealous reading of each Runner’s World magazine. I also loved nature and enjoyed being alone on long runs on beautiful rural roads near Roseburg, Oregon. My own body and nature were the gods I worshiped. In my Junior year I got into rock climbing and mountaineering which combined my desire to push my body to the limits with my love for nature. Shortly before my Senior year my climbing friend Keith and I made big plans to climb Oregon’s second tallest peak—gorgeous Mt. Jefferson. Without going into all the details, we had difficulties reaching the summit. Keith got altitude sickness and returned to base-camp. Three of us continued with headstrong and senseless determination in spite of an ice avalanche that narrowly missed us. Late in the afternoon we triumphantly signed the summit log book. The view was breathtaking; however, we did not take long to celebrate. Our more experienced lead climber, now worried about getting off the mountain before nightfall, chose a quicker but more dangerous route down. The major problem was all the unstable rock that forced us to make a decision to jump onto a glacier and arrest our falls with our ice axes. The lead climber had made the jump successfully and was out of our line-of-sight. As he was putting on his crampons, the rocks gave way under our feet. We yelled, “Rock!” Seconds later he screamed in pain, cursing God viciously! As he fell down the glacier we heard his voice fade. Fear gripped me. I don’t know why but I began to pray, “God, if you are up there, will you please save us?” I even pleaded, “I’ll even go to church” to leverage my prayer with God, who I really did not know. The two of us left made the jumps and went as quickly as we could to give aid. From our perch hundreds of yards above him, he appeared to be alive. We picked up his gear as we worked our way down to where he was. Miraculously, he had come within inches of falling into a deep crevasse in the ice that looked bottomless. He was shaken, bruised, and scratched—but alive. Relief! About midnight we made it to tree-line totally exhausted, built a fire for warmth, and dozed until dawn.

    Back in town the next week, I had no intention of going to church to keep my side of the bargain with God. I skeptically thought, “How do I know if God really heard and helped?” I was back to my default mode—pushing God out of my life! Things were going great until I met up with a Christian schoolmate at the local Douglas County Fair. Jim was an upper classmen who had already graduated. He had been on the cross-county and track teams with me and had tried to share his faith with me. Sure enough, what I dreaded happened. He invited me to come to church with him—as he always did—even though I had already told him emphatically not to ask again! Time seemed frozen as I relived the mountain fall and prayer in my mind. I’m not sure what showed on my face, but fear was in my heart. I thought, “God, I can’t get away from you!” I stammered out to Jim, “OK, just this once! What time should I show up?” The look of surprise and joy on his face made me feel uneasy, but curious. I did not sleep well that night!

    The next morning I met Jim at his home, and then we walked to his church just a few blocks away. I had not been to church for about 3 years, so I acted cool and watched Jim for the cues to know what to do next. I can’t remember if we went to Sunday School or not, but I will never forget what happened during the sermon. Pastor Roy Campbell explained the meaning of a verse that I had memorized as a child in pre-school—John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (KJV). He said, “This little but powerful verse is the Gospel in a nutshell.” Then he explained the gospel, or good news, to me! He started with something uncomfortable but true. He told me that I was a sinner. I had to admit to that! “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23 KJV). He told me that Christ died for my sins. “But God [showed] his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 KJV). He told me that I could call upon the risen Christ to save me from my sin and be born into God’s family. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12 KJV). At the close of the message he gave an altar call for those who would like to trust Christ as Savior to come and talk with him. I wanted to go forward, but at the same time I didn’t want to go forward. I clung to the pew in front of me! I worried, “What would the kids from my high school think?” I cared more about what people thought of me than God. After the service, Jim asked, “Well, did you like it? I responded nonchalantly, “It was ok.” He then invited me to come back for the evening service and come to a Meet-N-Eat. I said, “What’s that?” He explained to me about their youth group meetings where they eat food, talk, and play games. I responded, “I’ll think about it.”

    However, I did not think about the youth group meeting much that afternoon. I couldn’t get the words of the preacher concerning my need to yield to Christ out of my mind. I had made my mind up to go forward after the evening service. The preacher preached that night, but it was not a salvation message, and there was no invitation to come to the front to trust Christ. I thought, “What am I supposed to do now?” So, I went to the youth meeting. Many of the kids in the group had just come back from summer Bible camp and were giving testimony about the work of God in their lives. I found it fascinating and wanted to know God too through Jesus His Son. I began to remember the Jesus I had previously read about in the four Gospels and at that moment believed the message for myself. The best way I knew how, I said to God in my heart and mind, “Ok, God, I give up! I am tired of running from you; I believe! Please save me! I give you my life. Help me to know you and live for you.” I can’t really explain what happened at that point, but I knew God was real and I was a new person. The weight of guilt was gone. A peace that I had never experienced came over me. I thought, “It is real! He is real! God loves me! I love God!” That night the direction of my life changed 180 degrees. Before that night I was walking away from God, and after that night I was walking toward God with an open heart to seek and know Him more. After nearly 35 years I am still seeking and desiring to know God more. I love Him because He first love me!

    With prayer, Mark

  15. Praise the Lord! What a wonderful surprise to find your story here on “Write and Share”! Thank you Mark, for sharing all of the exciting and interesting details of your early Christian experience. This is an engaging and encouraging story. It’s a great read and will definitely inspire. Thanks again for sharing.
    Smiles and Blessings,
    -Faith :)

  16. At Yale I was angry with God, studying atheism, but seeking. I found Christ among young Christians who loved God, loved one another, and showed love to me. Although He wasn’t lost, I was, so it’s more like He found me.

    I was healed of unbelief, skepticism and fear. He gave me life and purpose. I am not the light of the world, Jesus is, and He shines today through believers united with Him and one another. We are the light of the world, when we obey his love command to love one another and come together as His body. Can these bones live? Yes, but first they must come together.

    It is this horizontal dimension of loving one another in the body that keeps us shining for Him and winning others to Christ. We preach teaming up together as Jesus did with his disciples and Paul did with his co-workers.

    Shine, Jesus, Shine! Through your church. Amen

  17. Beautiful Testimony! God bless you, and thanks for “letting your light shine” and for sharing your story. I’m sure that many will be blessed and encouraged by it.
    Smiles and Blessings to you.
    Faith :)

  18. About a year ago I tried coming off my anti-depressant medication (for Post-natal depression) after having been on it for 1.5 years. On the doctor’s advice, I dropped 5mg a week (or fornight) but when I had reached week 5, I was an absolute wreck and doing almost as poorly as the beginning. So thankful to God for the support network He has put around me and the work He is doing in me so that I have managed to reduce the dose 4 days a week and I am still functioning well, even though it was tough in the beginning. I have decided not to rush it and instead, just be gentle on myself and make sure I stay in communion with God through prayer and His Word, as well as in community with others

Comments Welcome😊