“Just One Drop”

Today is my 10 year anniversary of  Faithrises on WordPress, and in celebrating this, here’s a story that I posted  several years ago, back in 2012. I love to think back on this story. It reminds me of God’s miracle working power, and how He hears and answers when we pray. I hope that it will be a blessing for you today too! 

My youngest sister was getting married, and the wedding took place just before I was scheduled to have surgery. It was a beautiful wedding, and one of the special moments was watching my sister’s soon-to-be mother in law, walk down the aisle to be seated. She entered gingerly, because she had been very ill, and had traveled a long way in order to attend. I’m not sure what her illness was but you could see in her eyes the love that she had for her son, and how determined she was to be a part of this very special day. She leaned heavily on the arm of the usher who was escorting her in, and slowly made it to her seat. After the wedding, I had a chance to sit and talk with her.

It was my very first time meeting her, so I introduced myself and told her that I was so glad that she was able to come. I asked her how she was feeling and she told me a little about her condition. She mentioned how the Lord had blessed her, and that without Him she couldn’t have made it. She spoke of some sort of blood disorder, I’m not sure of the details, but what she said next would have a great impact on me. She said that she prayed that Jesus would bless her with  “just one drop of His blood”, because she knew that by His stripes we were healed. “Just one drop” she said, and she would be fine. I told her about my upcoming surgery and, being a woman of great faith, she encouraged me, and told me to trust in the sacrifice that Jesus has already paid for us.

The day of surgery arrived and I got up early to spend some time in prayer. I rehearsed in my mind all of the verses which had given me peace as this day approached, then I asked the Lord for something specific… I was told that there was a good chance that I would lose a lot of blood during this surgery, and my doctor told me that I’d have to make an appointment to donate my own blood at the blood bank in advance, as a precaution, in case I needed a blood transfusion during the surgery.  But I didn’t want to have a blood transfusion, so I prayed. I remembered the testimony and I prayed,” Lord, I ask that You would bless me with “ just one drop of Your blood”, so that I would not have to have a blood transfusion.”

After this I felt very calm and at peace.

We left for the hospital that morning and as we drove along, our two children, now 10 and 8 years old, were in the backseat. Although it was morning, it was still dark out and the kids were a little sleepy. Their faces were sad and solemn.  They didn’t want me to have surgery and were very  worried. I started happily singing praise worship songs and they listened in. Their faces brightened slightly, but they couldn’t bring themselves to sing along with me. I felt their love and concern for me, it warmed my heart, and I understood.

The surgery went well. I awakened to see all of my family, including my mom gazing down at me. I was still a little groggy, but so relieved and happy that the surgery was all over!  The next morning the doctor came in and said that there were actually 18 tumors that needed to be removed instead, of the 2 or 3 that he had anticipated, and that I had lost a lot of blood.   “Eighteen tumors?” I said. “No wonder I was in so much pain!” Then he said that although I had lost a great deal of blood, he decided not to give me a transfusion right then, and decided instead to watch me and wait until morning. He went on to say with some excitement and surprise that my blood count was now actually back up to normal! It was a miracle. I didn’t need more blood after all. I thought to myself,  “Thank you Jesus!” because I hadn’t mentioned to my family or my doctor that I really didn’t want a blood transfusion in the first place. This prayer was just  between me and the Lord, and He did it!

“Just one drop”…Just like I asked! It’s like the Scripture says:

“Ask, and it shall be given to you. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it shall be opened. – Matthew 7:7-8 TLV

The Lord had given me just what I prayed for!  Quietly, I closed my eyes, exhaled, and felt a great big smile, deep down inside. :)

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